James Jenkins
2014-01-12 17:54:09 UTC
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根據NASA,火星大氣中的氮含量為 2.7%(N2),氧含量為(O2)0.13%,因此可以合理地假設我們能夠從火星大氣中收穫足夠的氮。


氧氣的分壓不應太高,但是如果氧氣的分壓不超過約0.3 bar,則可以使用氧氣含量超過20%的混合物。
考慮到少數人將要生活在火星上(地球上生活著數十億人,而不是數十億人),在火星大氣層中的人就很少了-佔總表面壓力小於地球氣壓的1%的大氣層的2.7% -在不確定的時間內仍然足夠。
八 答案:
2014-01-12 19:47:09 UTC
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2014-01-12 18:32:46 UTC
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@Liviu Yup [MSL SAM](http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl/mission/instruments/spectrometers/sam/)裝有_質譜儀,氣相色譜儀和可調激光光譜儀_。它可以檢測到氮,而MSL昨天才[在火星上鑽了一個新洞](http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl/multimedia/raw/?rawid=0615MH0003920030203462C00_DXXX&s=615)。但它也為它拍了一些照片,並在兩天前[新的_selfie_](http://www.universetoday.com/111569/hello-from-mars-curiosity-smiles-in-her-latest-selfie/) 。所以兩者都做:)
2014-01-13 07:31:09 UTC
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Zack Barkley
2015-02-23 07:33:48 UTC
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對於呼吸來說,最便宜和最豐富的N2來源將是火星大氣……儘管如此微弱,但壓縮它是相當簡單且成本低廉的程序,而N2 / O2的比例結果實際上比地球上20:1的大氣層高,而不是3.7:1。為了解決這個問題,我們需要某種方法來消除多餘的N2和主要的氣體CO2。這可以通過同時熱愛N2和CO2的藍細菌來完成。但是,地形改造將需要從礦物源化學釋放N2。但是對於定居點,這不應該成為問題。

Vincent Rath
2017-10-17 15:00:24 UTC
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James Shields
2015-10-30 18:07:12 UTC
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應當指出,阿波羅飛行任務在整個服役期間都使用了純氧氣系統。但是,在“阿波羅1號”之後,發射台上的程序改變了,發射時的氣體混合物為6 PSI時為40%氧氣,60%氮氣。發射後,命令模塊的純氧氣系統開始工作,隨著任務的進行,氣體混合物逐漸變為100%的氧氣。純氧環境僅被認為是發射台上的危險。



2014-06-20 20:02:51 UTC
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Greg Hogue
2018-10-17 05:29:26 UTC
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First here is the big answer of what we have to start with on Mars. This is from the Atmosphere of Mars - Wikipedia

This pressure is well below the Armstrong limit for the unprotected human body. Mars 's atmospheric mass of 25 teratonnes compares to Earth's 5148 teratonnes ; Mars has a scale height of 11.1 kilometres (6.9 mi) [2] versus Earth's 8.5 kilometres (5.3 mi). [3] The Martian atmosphere consists of approximately 96% carbon dioxide , 1.9% argon , 1.9% nitrogen , and traces of free oxygen , carbon monoxide , water and methane , among other gases, [1] for a mean molar mass of 43.34 g/mol. [4] [5] There has been renewed interest in its composition since the detection of traces of methane in 2003 [6] [7] that may indicate life but may also be produced by a geochemical process, volcanic or hydrothermal activity.


There are several ways that might work.

1 concentration on the atmosphere on Mars the 1.9 % oxygen and 1.9 % Argon components of a breathable atmosphere. 2 photosynthesis 3 using energy sources such as solar and geothermal to turn CO2 into O2 and CO this is and a serious amount of energy

Here is a NASA experiment in to doing just that


How to brew oxygen on MarsThere is practically no oxygen in Mars's atmosphere, but the MOXIE device will “brew” oxygen from carbon dioxide (CO2), which there is plenty of in the planet’s atmosphere.

The illustration shows the construction of the MOXIE instrument. If all goes according to the plan, MOXIE will be brewing oxygen on Mars six years from now. (Illustration: NASA)A carbon dioxide molecule consists of a carbon atom (C) and two oxygen atoms (O2), and it will be the job of the MOXIE apparatus to split the carbon dioxide molecules apart. The splitting process requires energy, but the end result will be oxygen molecules and a by-product in the form of carbon monoxide (CO)."MOXIE works like a sort of fuel cell in reverse. A fuel cell produces energy by melting together hydrogen and oxygen to produce water. Instead, we'll be using energy to remove an oxygen atom from CO2," says Madsen.He explains that MOXIE will get its energy from a Radio Thermal Generator (RTG) which generates electricity from heat developed in radioactive plutonium.Will provide oxygen people on MarsAround 96 per cent of the Martian atmosphere consists of carbon dioxide so there is plenty of raw material for oxygen production.

The MOXIE instrument will sit aboard the unmanned vehicle. Scientists from the University of Copenhagen are also involved in building one of the other instruments on board the vehicle, the so-called Mastcam-Z. (Illustration: NASA)NASA spokespersons have stated that MOXIE is only the beginning of oxygen production on Mars."Having the ability to produce oxygen on the surface of Mars is a great step forward when it comes to mankind's future exploration of Mars," said Michael Meyer, a leading scientist at NASA's Mars Exploration Program, to Space.com.The plan is to build an entire oxygen factory on the red planet which will be about 100 times the size of the first MOXIE prototype which is to be launched from Earth with the Mars 2020 mission.The prototype oxygen factory will have to be ready when NASA sends the first humans to Mars at some time in the 2030s.


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